Monday, 4 July 2016


Hiiiii everyone!  It's July!  Woohoooo!  Well the 4th of July to be exact.  Happy Independence day to those who are celebrating.  :)

What's on me: Shirt: H&M | Skinnies: Stradivarius Kimono: F21| Shoes: Staccato| 

Half a year has once again passed and I'm not really sure how I feel about that, but I'm still positive that something good will happen, not that I'm miserable with my life now.  It's just that my current situation at work hasn't been swell.  I'm slowly losing my sanity, but I'll be going on vacay soon so maybe, just maybe, I'll be alright after that.  Fingers crossed!

However, life has been great outside of work so yay!  Got to wear one of my off-the-shoulder shirts which I didn't know was worn that way till very recently. :P  It was pretty comfy so I'm happy I got it.  Topped it with my mom's kimono-like cardigan.  I just thought it looked cool and I'm not a big fan of my arms so I tend to hide them under flannel shirts and thin cardigans during the summer.  What do you think of this ensemble?

1 comment:

  1. I love this Kimono! Such a nice staple addition to ones wardrobe!

    Deepti |


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