Friday 3 April 2015

The ultimate guide to living an awesome life (Inspiration)

Are you still in that phase where you're trying to figure out what you're gonna do with your life?  Or do you sometimes wish that life came with a guidebook or a manual just to make things a bit simpler?  My answer to these two questions would be "yes".  I still do not know for sure what I want to do (stability-wise), but I do have an idea as to where I want to be in the next couple of years or what I would like to achieve.
Since life didn't come with a manual when we were born, we've got to improvise and sometimes it's not that easy to do so.  However, think about what people who were born before us (like our parents or whoever you can think of) have done to survive the phase we're going through as of this moment and let them be an inspiration to you.

The book above entitled "Paano ba 'to" or "How does this work" by Bianca Gonzales was given to me as a birthday present by my dear friend & brother, Seff.  When I first saw the cover, I thought it was really cute simply because I was attracted to the colourful doodles.  I have a confession to make though.  I didn't think I would read the book because I usually prefer reading novels, magazines or any written material in English.  However, after skimming through the pages, I figured the content was too good for me not to read it (yes! even if it was in Tagalog & English, aka Taglish).  I must say that this book has inspired me and also led me to believe that I will be able to achieve my dreams in the future if I put in the effort to do something about them.

I like how she talked about family, friends, work, purpose in life and so on so forth.  Those are topics each and everyone of us can relate to, but I was surprised as to how encouraging and convincing she could be in her writing.  I personally didn't know what she did for a living (before reading the book), but I do remember hearing her name somewhere.  Anyway, this book has made me positive about the outcomes of trying to achieve my goals and dreams and that it has taught me to stop trying so hard to please people because after all, we weren't born to please everyone.

Moreover, if there was a delete button in life, I would've deleted a lot of my negative thoughts simply because it would've saved me a lot of time & energy in focusing on what's really important.  I also love how she said "it's okay to rant as long as you focus on what you can do about it afterwards" because after all, we are human beings who despite being given the chance to make things right at a particular moment, complain instead.  I must say I am very guilty in that aspect, especially when it comes to things/people that intimidate me.  Complaining about situations have not helped me in any way either, but it did give me some sort of relief so it's not all that bad.

After being alive for two decades, I have come to know and experienced the painful reality about life having its drawbacks.  However, that's the good thing about life and its lessons, it's a nonstop process and that is why we learn to be the best we can be for it to be worth living (even if that means having to having to get out of your comfort zone, working hard for something and failing at it, etc).  Bianca's book is a great read, if not a must read.  I highly recommend it (that's if you understand Taglish) as she gives great pieces of advice and shares her experiences and thoughts with her readers.

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